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Forever Clear BBL is a cutting-edge acne treatment that uses the power of light to comfortably and effectively clear acne without any creams or medication and side effects. Forever Clear BBL destroys acne-causing bacteria, reduces inflammation and redness, and makes way for clear, healthy, and vibrant skin! Clear BBL is a non-invasive, quick, and comfortable treatment with visible results after just one treatment.

how the procedure works

Clear BBL is the most powerful IPL device delivering light energy deep into the skin to stimulate and regenerate skin cells. With the unique interchangeable filters, Clear BBL combines several wavelengths into a simple and effective 3-step acne treatment not available on other IPL devices!

Step 1: BLUE light is delivered into the skin, attacking acne bacteria.

Step 2: YELLOW light is then delivered, which reduces active inflammatory acne which causes redness, while preventing new breakouts and reduces the appearance of scars.

Step 3: For added benefit, INFRA-RED light is delivered in rapid, gentle pulses to initiate the body’s natural healing process and to enhance and boost the benefits of the first 2 steps.

What the procedure feels like

Forever Clear BBL is a non-invasive and gentle treatment. At the start of the session a thin layer of gel is applied to the skin for a cooling effect and comfort. During the session, the skin will feel a slight heat and mild snapping sensation; however, it is very tolerable. The treatment may take anywhere from 20-30 minutes.

who is a good candidate

Indications include minor to moderate breakouts on the face, back, chest or shoulders, excess oil production and inflammation of the skin. For optimal results Forever Clear should be combined with medical graded skin care products.

number of treatments

For optimal results, a series of 8-10 sessions spaced out 1 to 2 weeks apart is typically recommended. The total number of treatments varies depending on the patient and individual conditions. Treatment will be tailored to specific patient needs.

What to expect immediately after treatment

There is typically no downtime after this procedure. The skin may be slightly pink, tingly and feel tight or may not show any visible signs of treatment having been done.

when to expect results

An improvement can be expected after just one treatment. After completing the treatment series, the patient can expect to see clearer skin, reduced pore size, improvement of mild acne scars, controlled sebaceous glands, and a brighter complexion! Results are long term, however, maintenance may be required depending on varying factors of genetics and lifestyle.


·       Discontinue the use of retinoids, AHA/BHA, topical antibiotics and lightning creams 2 weeks prior to treatment

·       Do not have any laser treatments in the areas to be treated 2 weeks prior to treatment

·       Come to treatment with area clean and make-up free


·       Avoid direct sun exposure for the next 2 weeks. It is important to apply SPF40+ when outside

·       Avoid tanning beds for the next 3 weeks

·       Avoid exercise and strenuous activities for 24 hours

·       Avoid extended heat exposure for 24 hours (hot yoga, saunas)

·       Discontinue the use of retinoids, AHA/BHA, Benzoyl Peroxide and lightning creams for 7 days post treatment