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For those looking to boost collagen, diminish fine lines and scars and to improve texture irregularities, microneedling is a great option that is minimally invasive and offers little downtime. This practice dates back to the 90s and has been refined and in recent years has gained significant attraction. Our collagen naturally slows down as we age and from free radicals (UV radiation, air pollutants) any assistance that encourages collagen can make the skin look younger.

How Does This TREATMENT Work?

Microneedling creates tiny controlled microscopic punctures in the skin. This is done by inserting very fine multiple needles into the skin. The depth ranges from 0.5mm to 2.0mm depending on the areas and what conditions are being treated. When there is an injury introduced to the skin, the skin will go through the healing process where the skin will rejuvenate and create new collagen and elastin.

What Does The TREATMENT Feel Like?

During the procedure, a numbing topical is applied for 30 minutes. The face will be cleansed and a hydrating gel will be applied to glide the microneedling pen while absorbing the serum into the skin. Multiple passes are performed to ensure uniform coverage. During the treatment you will feel a prickling and mild scratching sensation and will experience mild pinpoint bleeding, however many find this procedure very tolerable with very little discomfort. Treatment usually takes 45-60 minutes.

What should I expect immediately after the treatment?

You will experience mild to moderate redness and swelling. Your skin will also feel tingly and slightly tender to touch. The redness typically last 2-3 days depending on the aggressiveness of the treatment and the individuals skin condition. In the next few days, you will experience mild dryness and flaking. It is important to keep your skin hydrated with serums and moisturizers as the skin will feel dry and tight.

How Many Treatments Will I Need and How Far Apart?

Typically, a series of 3 sessions are recommended to start for overall rejuvenation. For corrective results we recommend a series of 4-6 sessions, performed every 4-6 weeks. It can also be used as maintenance treatments and done every 4-6 months.


Microneedling offers fairly immediate results, though it varies from individuals. Your skin will look plump and radiant in the next couple weeks and will continue to improve. Best results will be seen in about 3 months and continues to improve over the next 6-9 months. Results are long lasting with proper maintenance and home care. We frequently recommend to combine a Vitamin C serum with this treatment, these go hand in hand to enhance long-lasting and amazing results!