Chin & Jawline Augmentation 2.jpg

Jawline augmentation with dermal filler is perfect for anyone who desires a more contoured and defined jawline or by anyone who is bothered by jowls or heaviness along the jawline area. By safely using fillers we can enhance the area by strengthening the jawline making it look more defined and youthful and at the same time softening and masking the jowls. Jawline augmentation with fillers is increasingly popular and one of the most sought out cosmetic treatment!

There are so many reasons why people of all age groups can benefit from jawline fillers. As we age, we start to lose bone density causing our jawline to look undefined and saggy and for some of us we naturally have a softer and more oval jawline. Whatever the reasons are, fillers are a perfect way to reshape your jawline and to achieve that chiseled model jawline without doing surgery!


During your assessment we will discuss what your interests are and what you hope to achieve. The area will be cleaned and disinfected, the filler is then gently and strategically injected under the skin along the jawline structure using a blunt needle. The filler is evenly deposited along the upper and lower jawline areas. The jawline usually requires 2-3 syringes to achieve desirable results. Treatment can take approximately 30-45 minutes, depending on how many syringes are being used.

Who Is A Good Candidate?

It is important we select our patients carefully. An ideal candidate will have weak jaw muscles, good bone structure, good skin quality and little fat. Each of these factors contribute to the success of the desired result.

Who Is NOT A Good Candidate?

We select our patients carefully and always consider your face as a whole when assessing. If you appear to already have a bulky jawline from strong muscles, bone or fat, or a very round face shape, enhancing the jawline can make it possible for your face to look less harmonious and produce unflattering results. This will be determined during your initial assessment.


This area is very tolerable, we use a cannula which is a blunt needle for the majority of the procedure making the procedure very comfortable. You will feel some slight needle pricks to create entry points in order to glide in the blunt needle and will feel more of a pressure and ‘pushing’ sensation rather than sharp pains.


Results after jawline fillers is usually visible immediately after the procedure. Immediately following the procedure, the area will look slightly swollen and harsh, however in the next few days as the fillers settle, the results will look more natural and feminine. Final results will be apparent in the next couple weeks after the filler has settled and when swelling has subsided. The filler can last 9-12 months and varies with individuals, so top ups are needed to maintain the desired look.

What Are The Side Effects?

Swelling and redness are normal immediately after the procedure. It is also common to have some minor bruising immediately after and may take 5-7 days to subside. Areas treated will feel slightly tender and firm to touch but as the fillers settle in the next few days, tenderness will subside and the gel will start to feel softer.